Sunday, January 27, 2013

Anderson Thanksgiving in NM

We were fortunate to host an Anderson family get together at our house in NM.  We had 25 people all fit into our home!  Brian's parents flew in from CA, Stacy's family drove in from AZ, Lisa's family drove in from TX, and Marci's family drove in from UT.  We played at the park for a number of hours one of the first days.  This included shooting off water bottle rockets as Marcus is demonstrating below.  Such a cool photo with the stream of water frozen in the photo.

Here's a video of the Stubbs kids each taking a turn launching rockets.

Here was the second park we played at.  Marcus and two of his cousins were enjoying the tire swing with Travis looking on.
We also hiked out our backyard to the canyon drop off behind our house.  The kids loved being outside and the weather was awesome.

When we got back from our hike Angela had made a bunch of snacks before the big dinner.  Here's some waffle cone cornacopias.

Another big attraction was a 2000 piece NY Times Square puzzle that nearly everyone contributed on.  We actually started it and finished it before all of our company had left!  This has been an Anderson tradition for many years.

 This apparently another tradition at recent get togethers, the kids all mimic someone, usually Grandpa, while he makes all kinds of silly motions and sounds.
We went to the science museum in town for a short time...

...and then we played frisbee golf at a park in town.

The last day everyone was here we went to Bandelier National Monument and enjoyed climbing the ladders and seeing how the Indians used to live in this area.
A few brave souls went to the 4 large ladders.  Marcus climbed up all of them on his own, with his dad right behind him of course.  People were amazed at his courage.

Here's Jacoby, Audrey, and Garrin climbing one of the tallest ones.

And here's Jasmine and Sterling decending another one of the tall ones.  You can see how high off the canyon floor we were in the background.
Then before we left we had a good Anderson Team cheer.

And the winner of this episode of Survivor: Puzzle Fever was Grandpa!

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