Sunday, January 27, 2013

Anderson Christmas Tree Adventure

We decided that since we live in the mountains that we should try to hunt for a Christmas tree to cut down (with a permit of course).  So one Saturday we set off on our adventure.  We took our time and found some geocaches too.  This area is just so pretty.  You can see Lucas in the field and maybe see Marcus and Brian in the rocks.

Here's Travois, Brian, and Marcus on top of this ghost faced rock with Lucas in the face's mouth.

Here's Angela and the boys out in another field heading over to look at some trees. 

We finally selected one and the fun began.

Each of the boys wanted to help trim the tree.  Here's Travis...

...and Lucas...

...and even Marcus helping to cut it.

We finally loaded it onto our car and headed home.

Once we got it home and set it up in our house we realized that it was a sad looking tree (NM trees have branches that are just spread too far apart, not as much water here).  So instead we bought a genuine Oregon tree from a tree lot in town that night.  It looked and smelled much better.  We don't regret the tree hunt, it was fun to do it once, but we're not planning to do it again.

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