Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

This was a fun year for Halloween.  There were lots of opportunities to celebrate the holiday.  We had a trunk or treat activity at our church 1.5 weeks before the big day, trick or treating at the hospital and downtown, school class parties, and of course the day itself.  Here's our trunk that Angela and the kids decorated. 
The kids carved pumpkins on Sunday while we skyped with Grandma and Grandpa Anderson (seen in the left of this picture).  Sorry if we bored you Gma and Gpa but it was sure fun to talk with you guys. 
Here's Lucas' yellow happy pumpkin, quite fitting for him.
This was the first year that Travis did his pumpkin design all on his own including coming up with the design and carving it himself.  He spent quite some time on it.
Marcus wanted a scary pumpkin and I think in this photo he's trying to mimic the scary face, not working so well is it. 
Here's Lucas with his fantastic teacher Mrs. Jaramillo.  We love her.
Travis was a force to be reckoned with, as long as you could see this ninja sneaking up on you.
Lucas looked pretty good in this muscular costume.  He said it was his black power ranger costume, though in reality it was a Snake Eyes costume (a character from G.I. Joe).
Marcus changed his mind many times leading up to Halloween on just he wanted to be but he finally settled on being a fireman.
The kids went out with Angela trick or treating on Halloween night.  Brian stayed home to hand out candy to the 12 kids that came by.  Our kids went to many homes and got a decent candy haul.  Here's their piles on the floor at the end of the night.  Notice the large pile in the middle of them.  It's the peanut candy pile.  It's all of the candy that either has peanut in it or was made in a facilty that also processes peanuts.  So our kids don't really have any idea what Twix, Snickers, Milky Way, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, M&Ms and others taste like.  They do like tootsie rolls and herseys plain chocolate though.  We have to take the candy to protect Marcus though.  However it just hurts to see that we had to take 2/3 of each of their candy away.  It would have upset me as a kid to see that.  Thanksfully our kids don't even seem to care and NEVER complain even in the slightest.

1 comment:

Mary said...

What I want to know is where the dangerous candy ended up? Is it safely quarantined in the parents' bedroom to be consumed responsibly?