Sunday, January 27, 2013

Argh Matey! It's Lucas' 6th Birthday

Lucas turned 6 in Dec. and wanted to have a pirate birthday party.  Angela, a.k.a. master cake decorator, made a pirate ship for the occasion, complete with cannon balls.  Captain Lucas invited several friends over to be marrooned at his house.
 Avast, the mutineers first had to find the buried treasure where X marked the spot.

Then the mateys had to sail their ships down the narrow rivers.

Finally they were safe to eat their treasure cake, I mean board their pirate ship.

Then Captain Lucas took all the treasure for himself.  Thanks to all of his scurvy friends for making it a fun and memorable birthday.

After the friends left, our boys commandeered a ship that Brian built and each lost an eye in the process.  This ship sailed for many days before sinking into Davy Jones Locker (the trash can).

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