Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pippin Cabin Reunion 2012

We drove up to Utah for another Pippin cabin reunion for Labor Day weekend.  This has become a fun tradition to get together with basically all of Angela's family for a weekend at the family cabin (only her brother David couldn't make it this year).   Here's Angela, Marcus, and Travis working on some wooden cars that grandma had all the kids build and paint (cousin Preston is also in the photo). 
Another part of this tradition is a Graff family reunion for a few hours at a local school/park.  Uncle Mike always brings his toys to entertain the kids.  Brian brought one of his own toys this year to entertain the kids as well.  He brought his water bottle launcher that launches 2 Liter bottles really high up in the sky, just powered by water and air pressure from a bike pump.

Here's the main event the kids anticipate, when uncle Mike shoots off candy out of his candy cannon and the kids collect it when it hits the ground.

Here's the Pippin grandkids looking over their loot and trading.

We got a 4 generation photo while we were there.  There's Afton and Doral (upper right), Diane and Jack (upper left), Angela and Brian (upper middle), and Travis, Marcus, and Lucas below.

We do lots of activities and talking in this larger sitting room in the cabin.

Grandma always has a scavenger hunt for the grandkids that ends with a bag of goodies for each kid.

Here's all the grandkids.  From Left to Right (and top to bottom in some cases) it's Marcus, Travis, Preston (Alan's), Eric (Adrienne's), Lucas, Hunter (Scott's), Christopher (Adrienne's), Ryan (Alan's), Zach (Alan's), Isobel (Amber's), Abby (Adrienne's), Logan (Amber's), J.V. (Scott's), Spencer (Alan's), and Carson (Scott's).

And here's a sample of the nice view off the cabin's back porch.
Here's some video of the kids enjoying the Graff activities and then of the Pippin grandkids reciting their ABC's.

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