Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Brian

Brian turned 35 today.  He opened presents this morning before work and then took a banana cake he had made to share at work.  Angela and Marcus met him for lunch for New Mexican food (yum).  Angela made his favorite dinner - lasagna.  Then we had angel food cake with strawberries (Brian's favorite cake).  We have been trying to get over various sicknesses in our house (stomach flu for the 3 boys and a nasal cold for Brian and Angela) so we didn't have energy to do much else but it was still a fun day.

1 comment:

marci harwood said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE BROTHER!! Sorry I didn't call tonight. I'll try to call this week and wish you a belated one. :) Also, it's my in-laws' anniversary today. In fact...they were married the DAY you were born!