Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ice Block Treasures and Frisbee Golf

 Brian came up with a fun idea to entertain the kids.  He got a bunch of random electronic parts and screws and things and froze a large ice block, layer by layer, with these pieces frozen inside.  It took him about a week to finish it.  Twice a day he'd pour another layer of water into the bucket and scatter various things in it and freeze it in the deep freezer.  When it was all done the kids got to pour water on it from the hose and dig out all the pieces.  They had lots of fun!  Here's Travis before getting the block out.

And Lucas once the block came out.  

All three were enjoying it the whole time (it took nearly 30 minutes).

Down near the end of it.  They collected all the "treasures" and have been playing with them since.

Another evening we played frisbee golf as a family at a course in town.  This course really is a wilderness course with a small canyon that you have to throw across on one hole.  Here's Travis celebrating his throw into the basket on one of the holes.

Marcus really likes it too.  Here he is throwing at the start of one hole.

You get quite the views while you play as the course is right on the edge of a large canyon.  Lucas and Travis decided to pose for the photo.

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