Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lucas' Cast

 So Lucas chose a BRIGHT neon yellow color for his cast (yellow is his favorite color, matches his personality).  Fortunately the doctor scheduled a future appointment to replace the cast halfway through the 6 weeks he is to wear one.  Here's the new cast...

 And here's the current state of the cast (below).  Not so bright anymore eh?  The other night he was eating ice cream and said "oops I just dripped some ice cream into my cast!"  Can't clean that!  He has been making mud dams almost daily with mud from one of the backyard ponds (that collects rain water).  It's been interesting to try to keep the cast dry, let alone clean.  We have him wear a towel wrapped around it for bath time.  He still finds ways to get it wet though.  It will be nice in a couple days to get his new one on.  He has said he wants a camouflage colored one next (at least it will hide the dirt better).

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