Monday, August 27, 2012

Recent Fun

Thought we'd post some recent photos of us having some fun.  One night we decided to water the lawn and the trampoline.  Angela joined the boys on the trampoline.

 We went swimming as a family a few times.  Here was one time where Travis was chasing Marcus in the pool while Brian helped Marcus escape.

This was an interesting sight one morning that we came across (note the black garbage can is tipped over).  Our best guess is that a bear did this.  There was a bag of sandwich sliced ham that was torn to pieces away from the main garbage bag.  There have been bears do this somewhat recently in our neighborhood.

That Travis has got to be pretty brave.  He's been jumping from the high dive at the pool.  Here's video proof.

The boys have been into riding their bikes on our street lately.  They often ride with a couple neighborhood kids.  One day one of the neighborhood kids brought out his bike ramp and Travis and Marcus enjoyed going over it several times.  Lucas wasn't interested in trying it.  Here's some video.

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a cool house! But, um, you should probably give up on "the lawn".