Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Angela

Isn't she pretty!

 Recently we celebrated Angela's birthday.  Brian had one of Angela's friends invite many of her friends to surprise her for breakfast at our local bakery/doughnut shop where we sometimes go on Saturday mornings.  She didn't think anything of it until she started to see familiar cars in the parking lot.  She got a breakfast burrito and enjoyed a breakfast with friends.

 The kids and Brian enjoyed doughnuts on a different table.

After breakfast Brian and the kids cleaned the church for our church cleaning turn (Angela had to miss out on most of it since she was partying).  When we got home Angela for some reason wanted to clean the house so that's what we spent the afternoon doing.  Then some of our friends watched the kids and Angela and Brian went to basically the only restaurant open on Saturday nights called "The Diner".  The big gift we gave Angela was a new pots and pans set.  We were given a very nice set as a wedding present from Angela's siblings but they have finally started to wear out after nearly 11 years of frequent use.  So it was a little bit unorthodox of a birthday (with all the cleaning) but we think she had a great day anyway.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Happy birthday Angela! I felt a little tear well up wishing that I could have been at the breakfast with you. It's not surprising that you have so many friends around you wherever you live.

For the record, my family never really believes that all I ever want for my birthday or Mother's Day is a clean house...but it's true. Lucky girl!