Monday, August 27, 2012

Marci's Wedding Day

 Brian's little sister Marci got married on Aug. 18 and we made a short trip up to Utah to be there for it.  Marci married Brandon Harwood, who has two boys of his own (with full custody) named Eliab (4) and Kave (2).  After the ceremony (see video at the bottom of the post) they did a sand jar with 4 different colors of sand and combined them all together to symbolize the union of the 4 of them.  Here's a photo while they did it.

 Here's a photo of Marci and Brandon after they were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Harwood.

Marci signed her name on the dotted line, making it official.

This was a fun photo with all of the nieces and nephews on both sides of their families.  Travis and Lucas are in the lower left and Marcus is being held by his cousin Ashley in the upper right.

On the way home we stopped and collected some red sand from near Moab.

We also stopped at 4 corners where Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado meet.  We took turns standing in 4 states at once and getting our picture taken.  Here's Travis and Lucas.

And here's little Marcus who wanted to do it on his own.

Now for the video of part of Marci's wedding ceremony.


marci harwood said...

Aw, that was fun, being able to watch my own wedding!! :) Thanks for videoing it.

Mary said...

Oh yay! She looks so happy! And I bet she's a really good mom, too.

But, um...did you just admit to being in Provo without stopping by to say "hi"? I guess you were probably busy with family, but time, okay?! We miss you guys.