Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School 2012

 Angela made the first day of school special with a fun morning.  She made pancakes in the shapes of the letters of each of the kids' names and made signs for what each kid was doing.  It wasn't Marcus' first day of preschool quite yet but here he is, not to be left out.

 Lucas sported a crazy happy face as our new kindergartener.

Travis was having a bad morning and wasn't so happy, that is until Brian showed him some legos online and then he perked right up.  Our big 3rd grader.

And photos with their backpacks on.  Here's Travis...

And Lucas.  Note the new cast on his arm.  He wanted a camo cast when they took the bright yellow one off half way through.  He should get it off this week if it healed well enough.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What an eventful family you guys have- especially with 3 busy boys! Love the cakes & pancakes Angela- you look beautiful and I love your ideas! What an adventure you guys are having- it looks like you're creating lots of interesting and fun memories together! Happy Birthday to you both!