Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random Happenings

 Here's a post with just some fun photos.  One evening we did a movie night outside on our trampoline.  It wasn't exactly dark but it was 8 pm.  We just used our small travel DVD player, popped some popcorn and laid on blankets.

 One morning we saw these two deer wander through our backyard.  You can see the shadow of our trampoline.  We've seen deer before but this time we got photos.

Now this story is bizarre!  One day Brian came home from work near 6 pm and found that the back sliding door was shattered (though it didn't fall).  The boys were watching TV for a couple hours this day and before they started watching Angela verified the door was fine but then within two hours something happened.  It may have been the late afternoon heat beating down on the double pane door heating up the air between the panes and the fact that these doors are likely made at much lower altitudes that caused it to shatter.  Online you can find stories where this happens and a small defect in the glass is often to blame. 

Here's the view of the shattered door from outside.  Just strange...

One evening Angela could not find Lucas anywhere to get him in bed.  She searched under the beds and in closets and eventually found him buried under a couch cushion already asleep, so she just transferred him to his bed for the night.

Even funnier was this sight that Brian came across one Sunday late afternoon while Brian was talking to his parents on the phone and making dinner.  Marcus was so tired that he fell asleep on the hard kitchen floor, poor guy.  Good photo op though.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Couch cushions must be very comforting. When Andrya was little, she used to hide like that whenever she was feeling sad or betrayed.

That shattered glass really is bizarre and interesting. Lindsey Geertsen had that happen to her rear windshield recently. But the culprit in that case was a marble thrown by her daughter, and it hit the glass with just the right amount of force. (I don't suppose any marbles were found at the scene?)