Sunday, July 15, 2012

Explora Kids Museum in Albuquerque

On one of Brian's Friday's off we went down to Albuquerque for a temple trip and fun day for the kids the next day (we stayed in a hotel).  On the kids fun day we went to the Explora Kids Museum.  We stayed there for many hours and had lots of fun.  Here's the three boys enjoying the balls area where you can create your own ball maze down a wall.

The boys also enjoyed all the water exhibits there.  Here's Marcus looking through a microscope at a water drop.

 Don't you just love these water table type things?  Aside from the kids getting all wet wouldn't you honestly enjoy having one of these in your home for your kids?  Perhaps we're crazy for wanting one for our kids IN our home.

And then there was this fun mirrored tube.  Here's many Marcus faces...

Travis faces...

and Lucas faces.

 Finally here was a fun bubble table for making large bubbles.  Lucas had a nice one here.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Very fun!

Thanksgiving Point just opened up a children's exhibit all about sound. Every time I see the billboard, I think about how much your family would likely enjoy it. But it looks like you've had plenty of fun learning anyway. (Still...if it helps entice you to visit Utah, you should really consider checking it out.)