Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Break Trip to Denver

We decided to make a short trip up to Denver to Angela's sister Adrienne's house. We left Thursday afternoon and came back Sunday evening (Apr. 1). On Friday we went with the Hoerler kids to the Candy Cane factory in Denver. You can see, from L to R, Marcus, Lucas, Abby, Travis, and Christopher watching the workers making the candy.
We then did an Easter egg hunt in a neighboring community. Alan's family came down from Fort Collins to do it with all of us. Marcus fell asleep on the way there and missed the hunt but Brian got some eggs for him. Marcus slept in Brian's arms for a while in the sun. From R to L in the photo below there's Brian holding Marcus, Lucas, Eric (Adrienne's), Preston (Alan's), some kid, and then Spencer (Alan's). Alan is behind Spencer and the other kid.
We watched General Conference at the Hoerler's home. The kids did coloring and various conference bingo games. From L to R around the table it's Marcus, Travis, Christopher, Lucas, Eric, and Abby.
Between sessions the kids enjoyed swimming in the Hoerler's hot tub. You can see Marcus, Lucas, and Travis all had a good time. This was probably their favorite part of the trip. Too bad our trip had to be so short, we had lots of fun.

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