Sunday, April 8, 2012

Visit to White Sands Missile Range

We made a second short spring break trip to see various sites in southern New Mexico. We made 4 main stops and will highlight each stop in separate posts. We first drove down I-25 all the way down to Las Cruces (not too far from the Mexico border) and drove east to White Sands Missile Range (Brian's dad's company tests missiles there), 1st white dot below). We then went further east to White Sands National Monument (huge area of white sand dunes) second white dot below, then we stayed overnight in Alamogordo, NM. The next morning we drove north and then west to see the Trinity Site (site where the world's first atomic bomb was tested that was designed by Brian's employer), where the 3rd white dot is. Finally we continued west to marker "B" where the world's largest array of radio satellite dishes is. Then headed home. Around 850 miles total in two days. Lots of gas money but we're glad to say we saw all those places.
So at white sands missile range, about the only thing you can do is to go to their missile park. They have mock versions of many missiles they've tested at this range over the past 45+ years. One of our boys favorite things to do there was to get in the driver's seat of this tank. They took turns "trying to take over the world" as the Brain used to say on the cartoons.
Here's a better shot of most of what's there. There's a few jets and helicopters as well. We didn't stay long but it was a fun stop.

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