Monday, March 26, 2012

Lucas' Bike, Marcus' Potty, and Travis' Singing

Lucas has been wanting to try riding his bike without training wheels. So Brian went out with him last week and took off the training wheels and took him out for a ride on our court. Brian held on to the back of the bike at first and let go a bit and was amazed that Lucas could balance and ride just fine immediately! He was doing amazingly well! Have you ever seen a kid just start riding a bike the first time the parent lets go? Lucas has been riding his little brother Marcus' balance bike (a small bike without pedals) so perhaps that's helped him learn balance. Just insane that he could do it. Below is a video of his fourth ride with Brian running behind him and Marcus chasing them both.

Marcus has been using the potty before bathtime nearly every night for the past few weeks. We don't push him at all just ask if he wants to. So today Angela was doing something in the garage and then came in and saw only Lucas. She asked Lucas where Marcus was. Lucas said "he's downstairs going potty." Shocked, Angela went downstairs and, sure enough, found Marcus with the potty seat on the toilet and Marcus sitting on it with his diaper and pants pulled down and he was going pee pee (and not missing). So who knows, maybe Marcus is actually ready to potty train. We've never had a boy ready this early (2 years and 8 months). Here's a photo of Marcus and Mom at our ward's pinewood derby last week. Marcus wanted to dress up as a scout like his mom so Brian let Marcus wear Brian's cub scout uniform from when Brian was little. Marcus was very proud to wear it and wore it for over an hour and refused to take it off. Cute photo.So Travis had a school musical performance recently and apparently is not "camera shy" at all. His class was singing a Dr. Seuss story about "The Sneetches." Travis was suppose to just say the parts and sing the songs with the rest of his class away from the microphones. But I guess the allure of being in the spotlight drew Travis to get right up to the microphone. You can hear him talking into it right at the beginning of this video and also later on. We liked his bow at the end. Angela, who shot this video while trying to keep Lucas and Marcus calm, was very embarrassed at the time, but now we get a pretty good laugh out of it.


Wendy said...

Good job to you all! The moon and stars are cool!

Mary said...

Too cute and too funny! Congrats on your Cub Scouting Angela. Mom of three boys; I guess Cub Scouts makes sense!