Sunday, March 18, 2012

Enjoying our new home

So here's what the front of our house looks like. It's deceiving since the house is 2 story but the other floor is below the main one (the property slopes down as you go to the backyard). Standard New Mexico sytle house. We like it so far.
One of the things we really like about the house is the easy access to a large canyon from the back of our property. Here's the boys near the canyon edge. There's nice walking trails all along it.
There's a lot of geocaching that is fun to do as well. Travis and Dad went out to look for one and had to hike along a narrow ridge line to get to it. The view was awesome. Here's the trail from the back of our property to the canyon. That's Lucas in the foreground and Travis just a little ahead of him. We still had snow and ice for a while.One thing we really like is bird watching and hearing the wood peckers. This photo below was a tree near our house with a common wood pecker we see. You can tell that those peckers have been busy!

We have had some snow fall a few times. Here's our back deck from one of them with Lucas and Marcus out there.
Here's the view of our backyard. It's actually a bit bigger than this. The play house was already there and it's boy heaven in the yard for sure.
Angela and the older boys spent some time building snowmen.
The science museum downtown that talks about Dad's work has a new exhibit about the rocks created by the Trinity Site test (the first atomic bomb test ever). The heat melted the ground and made a sort of green glassy rock called Trinitite. Brian met the guy who created this exhibit a few years ago and Brian donated a rock to go with the exhibit.
Here's the rock Brian donated. It was created by a rocket motor test in northern Utah that Brian made measurements at. You can barely see Brian's name cited on the one on the left.
Travis and Dad made this lego guy container for Travis' valentine box to take to school.

Here's the view as your driving into town. This video gives you some idea of the mesas that the city is built on. It's very scenic!

Finally, here's a fun video of our older boys enjoying a Sunday afternoon playing legos and singing the hit pop song "Tonight Tonight" by Hot Chelle Rae (


Wendy said...

How great to be moved in and have a boy wonderland right there!

Jenny said...

What a grand adventure with 3 boys- I bet they love living in the mountains!

It was good to catch up on your blog.