Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sledding in New Mexico

Soon after we arrived we took advantage of the snow and went sledding on a hill not far from our house that lots of people sled on. Travis and Lucas were quick to enjoy the sledding and got more daring as the afternoon went on. Marcus wasn't so sure about the whole thing and wasn't happy when Brian had Marcus sled on his lap. After a couple runs though Marcus warmed up to it and had some fun. On the final run of the day (the last video on this post) Travis crashed after going higher on the hill than he had previously (against his Dad's advice). He hit his face on the icy hill towards the bottom and quickly looked back up to Dad and gave a thumbs up. However Angela checked him and saw that he was a bit bloodied on his chin, not too bad though. We've since gone another 2 times and had a good time each time. Enjoy the videos.

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