Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Travis' Geocaching Day with Dad

Before talking about the day of geocaching, here's a map of our 305 geocache finds since Dec. 2003 when we started geocaching. You can see our current count of cache finds in the upper right hand corner of our blog.
So Brian and Travis went out for a hike up a nearby canyon on Saturday morning to find many geocaches along the canyon trail. It was just over a mile hike, as the crow flies, uphill for the first portion of the hike. Travis was a trooper and made it without much difficulty. There is a mountain stream that runs right alongside the trail and has a few nice waterfalls. Here's Brian and Travis taking a break on one of the nicer bridges along the trail.
Here's the popular waterfall along the hike, but only about 1/3rd the way that Brian and Travis hiked. See the video below for video of some boys scouts rappelling down this cliff aussie style.
Brian and Travis first hiked all the way up and took a break at the farthest geocache site then hiked down while finding others along the way. Here's Travis holding up the first one they found.
Here was their view of the valley as the hiked down the trail.
They had to cross over the river several times and most of these crossings didn't have much of a bridge other than what people had placed to allow a crossing. The water was moving quite fast so it was somewhat of a scary crossing for a 7 year old at times.

When we got to the main waterfall, Travis and Brian watched some boy scouts rappel down the cliff. Here's some video of them.

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