Sunday, September 11, 2011

Demolition Derby in Spanish Fork

We got tickets for Brian to take Travis and Lucas out to see a demolition derby in Spanish Fork. It was quite loud but very exciting to watch the cars smash each other. There's all kinds of special rules for the derby, like that you can't hit a driver side door, etc. We saw two cars get rolled over (one in the video below). It was a late night but we had some fun.
We didn't stay until the end because we had seen at least an hour of it and it was late. So we left to beat the crowds and ended up buying a funnel cake (our boys first one). Lucas said "Dad this is my favorite part of the night" (eating the funnel cake).
Below is the video of the derby. You can see a car get rolled over. Then Brian videoed the boys and got a funny reaction from Lucas. Finally Brian made a video of Travis doing the chicken dance. Brian overheard nearby spectators say that Travis was pretty good at it. Many other kids in the area were watching him to learn it. Travis learned it at school.

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