Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another day in the mud!

A few months ago we blogged about a day when our three boys got into the mud and gave us a "wonderful" opportunity to take photos of them. Well it happened again but this time instead of Marcus getting into the mix it was Lucas' good friend Heber who got to enjoy the mud bath. This time it wasn't enough that they got dirty, no the house had to get dirty as well. Here they are...

So here's a video of them getting caught in the act. Not sure what was going through Lucas' head during this video, it's like he froze with guilt or something. Travis on the other hand knew he was in trouble but enjoyed the moment anyway.

Instead of getting very angry, Brian decided to spray them down with the garden hose while they jumped on the trampoline. This lasted for a good 5 minutes. Travis and Lucas weren't so happy when Brian would hit them with a spray of water because it was cold. Heber, on the other hand, just couldn't seem to get enough of the shower spray because he actually was interested in getting clean again. They all did have a good time though in the end, once they had got sufficiently wet and the cold water was no longer so shocking to their systems. Brian took video for a second spray session but this one ended quickly.

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