Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kennecott Copper Mine

This week was free admission week for the Kennecott Copper Mine so Angela took the boys to go see it. The boys enjoyed seeing all the work trucks that they enjoy reading about in stories.
Here's one of the really big wheels that apparently one of the vehicles uses.
We had the idea that it was more of an underground mining operation, like in a tunnel. Apparently they don't actively work in the tunnels right now. Most of the work is done in a huge pit. You can see a dump truck driving up the hill at the bottom of this photo. Kinda hard to get a scale size of this pit in your mind, but those dots are vehicles down at the bottom.
Marcus decided to get up close to the trucks and nearly got ran over by this one! Just kidding, it's just a poster in the background, but doesn't he just have a face that says "I laugh in the face of danger!"

1 comment:

Mary said...

Their hair looks deceivingly calm in those photos. It is WINDY out there!