Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swimming Lessons for 4 of Us

Angela and her three boys have been doing swimming lessons all at the same time recently. Angela and Marcus are doing a swim lesson together for Marcus' first swimming lesson. Marcus hasn't been one to enjoy the water up until now so this has been very helpful for him. One day Brian took the morning off from work so he could take some photos and see how they were doing. I guess Marcus kept yelling for his dad but he got through it.
Here's Marcus kicking away.
Lucas apparently wasn't helped by Dad's presence either. Brian took him to his lesson and he didn't want to get in the water with his class. Instead he just sat in the corner of the pool near his class for a while. Pretty sad... but what do you do in this situation? Rescue him? Give him incentives (Brian's approach that didn't work)? Threaten him? Or laugh? When bribery didn't work, Brian just had to laugh and document it with a picture.
Halfway through the lesson he warmed up a bit. Apparently his teachers said he didn't have problems normally. Just wanted more Dad attention or something.
Travis on the other hand, he was in his element. He's part fish with goggles. He really enjoys his swimming lessons.
Here's Travis floating on his back with his teacher nearby.

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