Sunday, July 17, 2011

Marcus is Our Big 2 Year Old Now

Marcus turned two on Friday. We asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said "park." So we took him to the coolest park we knew of in the area up in Pleasant Grove. It's a cool science discovery themed park with tons to do. Here's Marcus swinging away. Shortly after this photo was taken he took a nasty tumble/flip on his head, but he recovered.
Here's the birthday boy up in one of the towers.
Aunt Marci, one of Marcus' favorite people, joined us. We had a Little Caesar's pizza dinner at the park (one of Marcus' favorite dinner foods).
Here's a decent view of the playground area, though you can't see even half of it in this photo, there's at least this much behind me in the photo.
Then we came home for cake and ice cream. Angela made him a train cake that he requested.
He seemed to be a natural at opening presents.
He was excited about each and every present he got, even the clothes!
Perhaps his favorite present was this ball his brothers game him that has some kind of smaller ball inside it and it makes a lot of noise when you bounce the ball. They're like $6 at Walmart. Mom and Dad gave him a sit and spin and a ride on firetruck (kid powered) that makes lots of sounds.


Jenny said...

Happy Birthday lil' guy! Your kids are growing up fast! He's so happy & cute!

mindy said...

he's so cute! I love the cake you made, too. What a great birthday for the little guy. :o)

mindy said...

so cute! Great cake, too. What a fun birthday for the little cutie!