Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Lucas!

We celebrated Lucas' 3rd birthday this past Monday the 7th. We decided to do a family party without friends. Lucas asked to go bowling but we had too much snow to want to go out that evening. Brian's sister Marci did come though despite the snow and we were glad she made it. Angela made a Little People cake, at Lucas' request. It was a chocolate cake with rainbow chip frosting. Angela then used skittles to make three stars on top with three Little People figures on the cake (Lucas loves skittles). Here's Mom and Lucas with the cake.
Then Lucas opened his presents. Here he and Travis are with his loot.
Here's Lucas trying to blow out the "3" candle. On the first try, we sang Happy Birthday to Lucas and then Travis blew it out. Then we put Travis on the other end of the table and resang to Lucas with a relit candle. This time Lucas did it on like the 5th try (he was a little scared of the flame we think).
Here's Dad and Lucas cutting into the cake. I'm pretty sure Lucas just ate the skittles, no cake (typical Lucas only eating the candy).

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