Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some Random Photos

Here are some random photos of our boys. Here's Lucas and Marcus playing.
Here's a tough to photograph, though common smile for Marcus.
Another cute face for Marcus.
One night Brian checked on the older boys and found this... I guess Lucas didn't want to sleep by himself.
One day we got a bunch of snow and then some rain. It made for perfect packing snow so we had to build a snowman. It didn't even last the night though since someone knocked him down.
Here's one of our boys' favorite things to do, put orange slices into our juicer and make pure orange juice. We usually then make fruit smoothies with it. They love to smash the orange pieces down.
Travis got to go to school on day just before the Christmas break wearing PJs. It was PJ day for the whole school. Quite a contrast from his typical uniform.

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