Saturday, December 12, 2009

BYU Christmas Party

BYU held a Christmas party for all faculty, staff and their families last Saturday. Our boys enjoyed going. One of the first things they did was "Ice Fishing" where you drop a clip down in a hole and win a prize. Travis got a surprise though when the fish jumped out of the ice hole and bit his fishing pole.
Then the boys did crafts. They both wanted to make a BYU frisbee but Travis got the last kit. Lucas then selected to make some star wand thing that he's showing off below.
We tried to get a family photo with this neat background. Even Marcus wasn't interested in complying. To be honest, this is how the majority of our family photos turn out.

One final game that Travis played was pin the nose on Rudolph. Here's his performance on video. Despite going to the wrong Rudolph he did rather well with his nose placement.

1 comment:

Mary said...

In a few years, when your kids willingly pose for photos (for about ten minutes, anyway), you'll love the crazy family photos from their early years. They're more memorable and make for great stories.