Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a good Halloween this year. Here's Brian helping the kids carve their pumpkins on Halloween morning.
Lucas enjoyed his little Jack O' Lantern. His motto is "smaller is better" on almost everything. He insisted on a small pumpkin.
Here's Travis imitating his Jack O' Lantern with his tongue sticking out.
The boys originally had decided that Travis would be a fireman and Lucas a policeman. However after Lucas saw Travis' costume he wanted to be a fireman too. On our way to a Halloween activity we stopped at a fire hydrant to get their photo.
Later on, Angela's Grandma Graff came over as a witch and said a poem to our boys. Brian had to block their escape so they would stick around to listen (Lucas was a bit scared). Apparently Grandma's witch routine has been tradition for many years. This year we caught it on video tape as well (we'll post it if we get our video camera hooked up to our new computer). Angela's sister Heather also came up to visit this weekend from Vegas. Below is Heather, Grandma Graff, and Angela (L to R).
Here's Mom and baby. We originally wanted to dress Marcus up as a dalmation dog and then Brian would dress up as a fire hydrant. But Brian was gone to San Antonio all week on business and got back the day before and therefore ran out of time. Marcus was still cute anyway. Angela's wearing an apron that Brian's sister Stacy had given her when Angela visited for Time Out a couple weeks back.
Another shot of Mom and baby out with the Jack O' Lanterns. From L to R, the pumpkins belong to Angela, Lucas, Travis and Brian.
Here's the firemen after they finished trick or treating. They had a good time. They decided that they were too cold to keep going any longer. Lucas did well for the first 1/3rd of the time. Then after getting a candy at a door, he'd say "Dad, I'm too tired." So Brian would pick him up and carry him. Halfway up the next driveway he'd say "Dad, I'm not tired for this one!" This was repeated many times the rest the way.
And finally, here's out Jack O' Lantern's out at night. Marci's pumpkin is also pictured.

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