Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who's Who?

For some reason we have taken photos of all three of our boys with a blue onesy on with them on their tummies laying on a certain kind of burp cloth when they were each 3-4 months old. Well here are the three of them. I'll tell you who's who after you scroll through them.

So the first photo is Marcus, the second Lucas, and the third is Travis. Anyway just thought you might enjoy seeing all three at similar ages. We just had a 4 month appointment for Marcus and found out that he's at the 25% for weight, height, and head size. Lucas was like 50% for height and like 5% for weight. Travis was 90% for height and 0.14% for weight. This begs the question of whether gravity is increasing over time since each of our boys are steadily getting shorter and heavier. For sure Travis was the most odd being so tall and skinny.


Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say for the record...that I got them right! But, your boys do look remarkably alike! You do make cute kids!

Anonymous said...

Oh...JoDee was in an accident...there is a link on my blog to hers...Bryan is doing a blog to update's about 3 entries back on mine I think.

Mary said...

Well, I only got Marcus right, which is funny because I see your other two way more than him. If you have a daughter in the future, will she wear the blue onesie too? Is that something you don't even want to think about for now? ;o)

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