Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's always fun when Grandpa comes...

We were lucky to have Brian's parents come to Utah to stay for a week. They mainly came up to help get some work done on Marci's house that they own (where we lived when first married). Here's a fun shot of Grandma trying on some goofy glasses.
Grandpa was great to get down on the floor and play rough with the boys, exactly what they love to do! Looks like he had the upper hand on both of them.
We then decided to have Marcus try on the goofy glasses. He seemed to like it at first, but later on... not so much, after a few photos.
Angela took the boys and Grandma Anderson to a local pumpkin patch. The boys had lots of fun. Here's Lucas enjoying some larger than life pumpkins.
They also had bounce houses, a favorite for our boys. Here's Travis coming down head first and Lucas right behind him.
They also did a corn maze that took a while. Angela said they went down each and every path in the maze and then finally came across the finish. Here's a cute moment when Travis gave his Grandma a love.
Not quite sure what the boys were doing here. Perhaps with their arms stretched out they're pretending to be scarecrows?
And finally they made it through the maze. Although Lucas apparently didn't walk the whole way and Marcus had a free ride.
Marcus did seem to enjoy himself there too.
On the way home, Travis had to make sure his pumpkin made it home safely.
Then a week ago was BYU's Homecoming Saturday. We all went to the parade. BYU lost the game but that's what they get for picking the game against the best team in the conference for their homecoming game.

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