Sunday, June 21, 2009

Orem Summer Fest

Another recent weeekend we went to the Orem Summer Fest. It was a typical carnival atmosphere and we had a good time. We let the kids do a few of the rides and enjoy some cotton candy. Here's Brian and the boys on the big slide. Travis beat Brian and Lucas down.
Next Travis wanted to ride the swings that swing you around and make you tilt outwards. Travis seemed to have a good time on it.
Finally, Lucas and Travis rode on the boats (Lucas' choice).
Both of them quickly found out that they could reach the water with their hands and splash it around. Lucas tried to splash his Dad everytime around. Travis on the other hand just tried to splash anyone leaning up against the fence and tried to splash the riders behind them.
We then bought some cotton candy. Both boys enjoyed it quite a bit. Here's Travis taking in a big mouthful.
Not to be out done by Travis, here's Lucas using both hands to shovel in the cotton candy. Lucas' only problem with the stuff was that it left your hands all sticky. Luckily we brought our wipes with us. Lucas must not have been too happy to have his photo taken here.

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