Sunday, June 21, 2009

Utah Lake Festival

A couple of weekends ago we went to the Utah Lake Festival. It was free to the public. They had various games for the kids to play, free fishing, open boating, a hay ride, and a few other things. We brought our raft and used it for the first time (Brian got it for Christmas in '08). We had to buy a few life jackets and we got a great deal on them at Walmart. This was Lucas' first time on a boat like this and it had been a while since Travis had last done something like this. Both boys were pretty excited about it and enjoyed it. Here are some photos.
It was a little funny because the life jacket is just slightly too big on Lucas and it kind of keeps him restrained in his movement (not a bad thing in the middle of a lake). Lucas was done after one trip but Travis wanted to go back out again. Brian let Travis try doing some rowing too.

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