Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ward Campout

Our ward held a ward campout last weekend. Angela didn't exactly feel up to camping being less than a month from her due date so Brian made it a father and sons outing. Here's the boys kicking back and enjoying some Squirt water drinks (they loved these).
Here are the three at dinner eating their BBQ hot dogs, BBQ sausage, and chips.
While Dad did the cooking and cleaning up, the boys kept on playing in the water with their shovels, much to Dad's dismay.
Here's a shot of our tent. This is our new tent and it was our first time using it. It was rather large, but that's much better than using a tent that's too small.
Here's Travis sleeping in in the morning. It was quite cold that night since it was up at 8000 feet elevation (just above our previous residence in Los Alamos).
And here's Lucas waking up at 6:30am after waking up screaming at 1:30am for 10 minutes. He then had to sleep the rest of the night next to Dad in Dad's sleeping bag.
And finally, here's the boys playing with a couple friends while Dad took down the tent and packed back up.
All in all it was a pretty good campout. It did rain during the night and in the morning which is always a drag when you have to put away the tent. The camp site was south and slightly east of Payson. We did 4 geocaches up in the area as well. In the evening, the boys each got to wear a glow stick around their necks. This helped them to see better and allowed Dad to always determine which kids were his. When we went to bed, we hung the glow sticks from the tent ceiling to serve as night lights.

1 comment:

Mary said...

That cracks me up that they tote those shovels everyone. I guess you never know when you'll come across a good pile of dirt!

I thought it was the Hodges' baby who woke up crying. Now I know better! Really, I think most families contributed to a noisy night. My own son woke up with a coughing fit, which led to crying in the middle of the night. Now we all know to bring ear plugs next time.