Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Travis!

Travis turned 5 on May 7th. He had a birthday party at our house around lunch time. Travis invited 5 of his friends to come (so 7 total with Lucas). We had a race car themed birthday party (at the request of Travis). We made a race track through our house and partly outside. Angela prepared boxes with paper covering them for the boys to decorate as race cars. Here's the boys getting ready to decorate their cars.
The boys lined up at the starting line in their cars ready to race.
Here's an action shot of one of the car crashes that happened. Looks as though Travis emerged in the lead.
The boys each had a chance to break the tape at the finish line. They had a great race. After the race they went to jump on our trampoline.
After jumping it was time for lunch and then the cake. Here's the cake that Angela made for Travis. It's a race car track in the shape of a 5 with two hot wheels cars on it. The tires that line the outside are Oreo cookies with M&M's and race car tooth pick flags.
Here they are eating their pizza lunch. You can see Travis on the right and Lucas in the middle of the three kids on the far side of the table.
Here's all their cars in the parking lot while they ate lunch. That's their tail lights and licence plates showing.
Here's the birthday boy as we got his cake out.
Here's Travis with his race car track cake.
Here we are singing to Travis. You can tell he was excited.
Blowing out the "5" candle...
After cake they got to shoot some water squirters at a cardboard tire hanging from a tree. The goal was to shoot the water through the tire. Here's Travis' attempt.
Then they played red light / green light in their race cars. Apparently one of the kids was driving backwards (2nd from left).
You'd think this next photo was taken while the green light was on but they didn't always stop during the red lights either. I guess driving in reverse makes you go fast!
One last thing about the race they did with their box race cars, there was a pit stop at a certain point on the track where they could get their tires filled up with air, get gas in their tank, and even clean their car with some rollers. Lucas is peeking in on this photo.
We also took Travis out to McDonalds for dinner and Marci and Butch joined us. He opened all the family gifts there. Travis got a Leapster with some games and he loves it and has been playing it quite a bit. A good fun-filled birthday that had us all worn out by day's end.


Sara (Ferreira) Haslam said...

What a great looking party!! I love the cake!!

Erin said...

Awesome party! The cake rocked!

Mary said...

I love this party theme and look forward to using it in a few years. The cake is great!

Jenny said...

That looks like such an awesome birthday party- that gets me excited to plan Tyler's first friend party in the future!! What creative ideas and awesome cake- I would have had a blast at that party! Good job guys!