Saturday, May 30, 2009


Travis completed his first set of swimming lessons. He improved quite a bit over the few weeks of lessons. He loved going underwater by the end. Here he is below submerged looking for a diving stick.
The swimming teacher often had the students get used to jumping into the water, something that Travis already loves to do. Here Most kids would gingerly jump into the water, but not Travis. Here he is in mid flight trying to land on his teacher (click on the photo to see it better, he's horizontal).
After his final lesson he got a certificate of completion and we tried to get his picture with it. We finally got one of his showing his wild side.
We also recently went to Portland, OR for vacation (more on this trip in the next post). TRavis swam nearly every day there in the spa. Lucas joined his a couple times but didn't last long. Brian forgot his swimming suit so Angela swam with Lucas.
Travis' beloved orange goggles broke while in Portland so he tried on some of Grandma and Grandpa's goggles (turtle goggles). Can't imagine how he can see out of the foggy goggles.
Here's a rare smile from Lucas while in the spa. For some reason he doesn't enjoy the water as much as Travis.

1 comment:

Mary said...

That picture of him jumping to his teaching is great! Way to go Travis! And way to capture the moment! ;o)