Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Update on our Family

Lucas has now moved to a big boy bed (a twin sized bed). He actually has had no problems yet over the past 4 days since the switch from his crib. We lay on his bed to read him stories and then tell him to stay on his bed and go to sleep and he does what we ask! In the mornings he has been getting up about his normal time. He used to cry or even scream in his crib until we'd come get him, but now he just quietly gets out of bed and comes to find Dad or Mom and he's quite happy. Eventually we plan to move him into Travis' room before the new baby comes. Lucas is getting his final baby teeth molars and has had some difficulty with them. He's also starting to stop taking a nap. He used to take a nap from like 1:30 to 4 or 4:30 but now he won't take a nap until like 3 and even then he takes a while to fall asleep. When he does nap now he wakes up pretty grumpy every time. So maybe we'll have two boys with no naps pretty soon. This was about the same time Travis stopped taking naps. One cute thing he has been saying lately is something like "Travis shared with me, it makes me happy!" or he'll just giggle and say "I'm happy!"

Travis has improved rapidly in his swimming lessons. On the way to his second swimming lesson, Brian talked to him about putting his head underwater. During that lesson he put his goggles down over his eyes and went under the water! During yesterday's lesson (his 3rd), it was like he couldn't wait to go under the water. He now goes under with and without the goggles over his eyes. He told us that with his goggles on he opens his eyes to look around underwater. Also during his lesson he would go under and then kick his legs and move his arms to swim and he'd actually swim a few feet before needing a breath. This was Angela's first time seeing Travis go under and she got nervous every time he did. If you don't know already, Travis refuses to try white milk. He will only drink chocolate milk. The trouble is we want him to drink milk so the only way is to give him choc. milk. The past few days though he keeps saying something like "pretty soon I'm going to try white milk," or "I'll try white milk tomorrow." No luck yet, but we're hoping he'll make the switch.

Angela is meauring like 4 weeks bigger than she should be. With Travis and Lucas she always was measuring smaller than normal, so this is really odd. She's carrying the baby much higher this time too. The doctors say she's on pace for having twins, though they're quite sure there's only one in there. The baby is actually measuring a bit small (which was normal for our first two). It's odd, we know for sure the typical "9 month" due date, but it's looking like she's on track for an 8 month labor. We'll see I guess.

Brian just finished teaching his first class at BYU. He taught Physics 167 (Acoustics of Music and Speech) this past winter semester. He's anxiously awaiting the student ratings. He won't be teaching over the summer and is scheduled to teach a grad acoustics course in the fall and a different grad acoustics course in the winter next year. This summer is not off for him though by any means. Summer is when professors do most of their research work so Brian is busy getting experiments setup and helping students start their summer research projects.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Thanks for the updates! It's always fun to hear how you're doing. Your boys sound so cute! We need to get out to Utah sometime to see everyone. I can't wait to hear when the baby comes. How exciting!