Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Day in Salt Lake City

Amber, Isabel, and Heather were flying back in from Portland to Salt Lake City and we went up to the airport to pick them up. We decided to leave early in the afternoon and spent some time at Temple Square. We first went to the Conference Center (where Brian did acoustics research as a master's student) and did a tour to show the boys where the Prophet speaks from. None of us had been on the roof before. That was an impressive sight up there. Here's Lucas enjoying the water channels that flow over waterfalls up there.
We tried to get a good family picture up there too, but Travis wasn't too interested.
Here's the view of Temple Square. The boys were most interested in the tower cranes in the background.
We then went on the east side of the Temple to the reflection pool. The boys loved that, and couldn't resist!
Brian went to the other side to get some photos of the family.

The boys were also quite interested in all the pretty flowers.

We then tried an experiment. We asked Travis to take a photo of Mom and Dad. Well here's his attempt below. Guess he couldn't resist taking a photo of himself.
Another attempt at a family photo.
This next set of three photos is priceless. We gave the boys our sunglasses and took some photos of these two cool dudes.
Not quite sure what the hand signals were for.

Here's the common spot for wedding photos. The boys rather enjoyed crawling around in circles.
We then went to the Visitor's Center. Here we are in front of the Christus Statue.
Then to pass some time after news of a flight delay, we visited the Hansen Planetarium. The boys enjoyed the gift shop and the big ball displays.


HeatherPippin said...

Those pictures are so cute. I laughed at the one Travis took of the two of you. I also loved the sunglass pictures. Very cute!!

Marcie said...

That looks like so much fun! I haven't been to Salt Lake in years. You are such a cute family! Looking at all your pictures makes me so happy.

Mary said...

Hope you don't mind me watching your blog. I love the picture with the Christus. At first glance I thought, "Oh, they got Travis to stand still. Looks nice." Then I realized he was sort of sandwiched between his parents. Funny! Glad you caught SLC on a sunny day.