Saturday, April 25, 2009

Travis' First Swimming Lesson

Travis has started swimming lessons recently. He has never done any type of lessons before actually. He enjoys getting in the water but has been a bit apprehensive about a few things, like dunking his head underwater and jumping off the diving board. He insisted that he wear some goggles to his lessons. He's easily the tallest kid in his class and easily the most active. He's always splashing and jumping around. During his first lesson he wouldn't dunk his head under the water. When the teacher threw some diving toys in the water, Travis would pick them up with his feet instead of diving down to them. During Travis' second lesson he was a bit braver and now has no problem dunking his head under the water. He has always loved jumping into the water from the pool side to Dad and was easily the most confident in his class to jump in to the teachers. The thing about the diving board is that Travis always talks about how he'd love to jump off the diving board. He will get there before long to be sure. Right now he does lessons twice a week in the evenings. Next month he will do lessons everyday in an outdoor pool.
You can spot Travis with his orange goggles!
Travis will also be doing BYU preschool this summer too. He will go in the morning with his Dad to work and Mom will pick him up at lunch time. We're really trying not to load him up with too many things. Travis' tactial and physical skills are really strong points for him, where he needs to improve is in wanting to sit down and draw or sit down and learn to write. He loves to listen to us read to him, but he's not quite as interested in learning to read. When he makes up his mind to do something he's quite determined, but if he decideds he's not interested then there's almost no changing his mind. We hope that the preschool environment will aid him in giving him the desire to sit down and write/read etc.

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