Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Egg Coloring

On the Saturday evening before Easter we colored eggs as a family. The boys really enjoyed dipping the eggs in the coloring dye. Travis chose to color his eggs green.
Lucas wanted blue and we let him try to do things himself.
Here's Lucas so proud of himself.
Lucas wasn't error free. Twice when he would lower eggs in the dye the egg would drop off into the dye and splash out. Here's a photo taken just after one of them. You can his Lucas' disappointed suprised look.
We ended up deciding that it was much safer to paint the eggs with water washable paint. and the boys seemed to really enjoy that too.
Here's Travis looking a bit annoyed that we took his picture.
In case you're wondering, no we didn't eat these eggs. Brian likes hard boiled eggs, but only when they're white and the boys won't try eating them.

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