Sunday, February 9, 2014

Roller Skating Fun

 There's a church in town that does Friday evening in their building.  We've gone 3 times now and you pay $2/person for adults or kids and that includes the skate rental.  None of our boys have ever skated before so it's been new for all of them.  Marcus loves to stick his arms out to the sides for balance and often wants Mom or Dad at his side to assist him, though this last time he was a bit more independent.

 Travis has had a tough time getting used to it due to his high center of gravity.  He has picked it up though and enjoys it.

 Lucas was born to skate apparently.  He picked it up that first night.  The workers at the church do a couple games each time including the limbo and the corners game (an elimination game).  Here's Lucas trying to get under the limbo bar.  Lots of families with kids our kids' ages come so it's been a fun experience.

Here's some video of each of the boys skating around.  We're always trying to find friends to invite to join us.

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