Saturday, February 8, 2014

Halloween 2013

 Halloween seems to last all October long around here.  It seems there's always another event to attend.  This year we decided to find a pumpkin patch that wasn't too far from our home and not super expensive.  We found one just north of Albuquerque and thought it would be a fun one.  Well this one wasn't all that big, they were basically out of pumpkins, and the petting zoo wasn't open.  O'well, I guess we need to think of supporting the NM economy right?  Here's Lucas and Angela at the corn pit.

 We did get to do a tractor ride on hay bales.

Here's Marcus on the pumpkins they had set out on the grass.  There was no actual pumpkin patch, rather just pumpkins placed on the ground.

We did their corn maze, which was fun at first and the longer we were in it we had to get more creative to keep it fun.

Marcus found some energy towards the end after being carried most of the way.

We took different paths around and tried to scare each other.

Then we went to our church's trunk or treat activity.  Here's our decorated van with ghost light cups.

Here's Travis Lucas and Brian with our dummy.  Travis was a spy, Lucas was Snake Eyes (from GI Joe), Marcus was a ninja, and Brian was Mr. Anderson complete with a trench coat.

 Here's the kids at the downtown trick or treating event.

Then it was pumpkin carving time.

Family pic.

Angela went to Travis' school Halloween party.  Here's Travis standing next to his Mummy.

Angela also went to Lucas' party.  These kids are lucky to have a mom so involved.

Then Halloween night finally came.  Lucas wasn't feeling the best so Brian carried him from house to house and Marcus only made it half way.  Brian's parents flew in that day for hunting season (blog post on that later) so they got to go trick or treating with us!

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