Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Vacation to Montreal

Brian and Angela got to go on vacation alone to Montreal, Canada in early June.  Brian has an acoustics conference there and so Angela decided to join him.  Angela's mom was kind enough to come stay with the kids while we went.  We stayed there for an entire week.  One evening we enjoyed a concert in a beautiful chapel.

During the concert performance the lighting changed often and had pretty colors.

While Brian spent the days at the conference listening to technical talks on science, Angela got to do some tours of Montreal with other spouses attending.  Here she is on one of the cobble stone streets where we ate a couple of meals.  It really reminded us of our trip to Paris in 2008.

This was a wild display of various types of beetles.  Angela had to snap this photo for Lucas' sake as he's a major bug lover.

There were various cultural things to see and lots of pretty garden displays.

Later in the week Angela joined two of the ladies for a hike to a hill nearby downtown for a nice view of the city.

After we got back home Angela and the boys took grandma to a bounce house place in Albuquerque before she flew back home.  We couldn't have enjoyed a wonderful vacation and break from the kids if it hadn't have been for her.  Thanks Diane!

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