Sunday, April 7, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

This Easter was an unusual one with some highs and some lows.  On Saturday we got together with a lot of friends from the ward at a park and had a potluck meal and did an egg hunt.  Marcus was in the younger group of kids and enjoyed collecting his eggs.  Unfortunately he didn't get to partake of much of the candy he collected due to his peanut allergy but he's getting used to that.

Travis and Lucas were in the older kids group and had much more of a challenge in finding their eggs.  Travis had fun with one of his friends, Sophie, who's also in his class at school.

Lucas is our master egg collector.  He got the most and then shared many of them with kids who didn't get as many.  He runs fast and has a good eye for spotting them.

That evening we went as a family to a birthday party for one of Lucas' friends and they did an egg hunt in their backyard afterwards.  Again Lucas found the most eggs and even found $10 in his eggs!  Easter Sunday was the bad day.  Lucas and Angela woke up early that morning and threw up many times.  They both felt terrible all day long.  Brian took Marcus and Travis to take the sacrament and for them to sing with the primary but then they left afterwards to return home to care for Lucas and Angela.  Monday wasn't lots better for them but they did eventually get better by Tuesday.  Easter dinner was French toast for the healthy three.  Brian stayed home Monday to care for Lucas and Marcus.  He decided that he shouldn't wait too much longer before cooking the ham.  He decided to smoke the ham in his smoker.
The ham tasted great.  It's been a tough few days since Easter as Travis threw up at school on Tuesday and stayed home Tues. and Wed. and Brian hasn't felt the greatest most of the week.  Marcus was sick before Easter and somewhat sick afterwards too.

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