Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Lucas Broken Arm Drama

 The day was Friday the 13th, the place was in the living room...

 and was caused by the fearsome plate-in-the-face Travis monster...

 witnesses couldn't bare to watch...

the victim was an innocent, minding-his-own-business Lucas who was standing on the arm of the couch for some reason when he couldn't escape the plate faced monster and lost his footing on the couch mountain and fell to the hard wood floor.  He landed on his elbow and screaming ensued.  Brian swept him away to the ER for a 4 hour visit.  The diagnosis, a broken arm!

Lucas was a trooper but wasn't happy much that night.

 How can you blame him for falling off the couch in fear of this..

Lucas: "oh Dad it wasn't that dramatic, pass me some candy, and then let's go look for bugs."


HeatherPippin said...

You are hilarious...and I am glad all turned out OK :)

Mary said...

With three boys, I'm surprised this is the first broken arm! Is that a real cast? It looks like an Ace bandage.

It's fun to see pics of the house, too. It's beautiful!