Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Travis and Lucas Baseball 2012

Travis and Lucas played spring baseball and recently ended their seasons.  Lucas played T-ball and Travis' team had to hit off of a pitching machine (those things pitch fast and are hard to hit).  Here's a photo of Lucas getting ready to field a ball.  His team was called the Sand Gnats (named after the official Savannah Sand Gnats, a minor league baseball team).
 Here's Lucas hitting the ball.

Here's Travis throwing in a pitch after retrieving it from the outfield.  Travis' team was the Bulls (named after the Durham Bulls minor league baseball team).  His coach is also in the picture.

Here's a video of both Lucas and Travis getting hits in their games.  The video of Travis is of him hitting when the coach pitched to him.  Travis really struggled all season long to hit off the pitching machine.  Since he had never had a hit all season the coach started pitching to him and he got a couple hits that way.  Then the last two games of the season the coach had him hit off the pitching machine like all the other kids and in the very last game he got a hit off the machine!  He hit it another time in that same game but he hit it right to the first baseman and got out (but at least he hit it in the field!).

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