Sunday, May 20, 2012

Geocaching and Butterflies

We've been enjoying some geocaching outings as a family lately.  One evening we hiked down into a canyon in town and enjoys some views from this bridge.

We found a few geocaches that evening.  The boys really get into it.

Lucas wanted his photo taken in front of this scary looking rock that looks like it could fall on him at any moment.

Speaking of Lucas, he is a bug lover!!!!  More so than any kid we've ever seen (not even a close comparison) his life revolves around bugs.  He spends many hours a day outside overturning rocks and picking up all sorts of bugs with his hands and collecting them in various containers.  Unfortunately some of these creepy crawlies find their way out into our house often.  For Christmas Lucas got a butterfly garden and we waited till Spring to order the caterpillars.  After a couple weeks he was ready to let the butterflies go.  Here he is holding one of the last ones.

Here's some video of his excitement as he let some go.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Our book club recently read a book about Charles and Emma Darwin. Charles was a bug collector from childhood. When he chose to marry, it was a difficult thing because he worried that he would have to give up his bugs. Given that Lucas is the product of two smart parents, one of whom is a scientist, I wouldn't be surprised if you have the world's next great naturalist on your hands.