Thursday, March 17, 2011

Marcus' First Haircut

Here's a video that Aunt Marci took while Brian gave Marcus his first haircut in the bathtub. It was the best haircut Brian's ever been able to give to one of our children (regardless of age), in terms of how the child responded. Brian has done all the haircuts for all three boys for their whole lives and the older two always end up crying about it, not Marcus. Just a reminder to family who receive these posts by email, you must visit our blog to watch the video. It's a good laugh for sure! Even after the bath Marcus was so proud of his new haircut and would gesture to it often.


Wendy said...

I wish we had that much hair around here let alone to cut off. What a great laugh! I think all boys love the words: ready, set, go!

Mary said...

Oh my, that was cute!

Looks like now I'll have to make sure there are no peanuts OR scissors laying around when I babysit. Otherwise he might want to re-create the fun times himself! (It wouldn't be the first time a parent has come to pick up their child and discovered a new, self-imposed hair-do.)

Jenny said...

That is adorable- oh, such a cute, cute giggle!