Thursday, January 27, 2011

Travis' Tubes

This was a big week for Travis. He lost his front tooth Tuesday morning as pictured below (his second lost tooth).
Today was the day that Travis had surgery to get tubes put in his ears. He had been having ear infection problems for some time now and the Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor suggested that he have tubes put in his ears. So we scheduled for the surgery to take place this morning. We are happy to report that Travis did really well and is his normal happy self. He keeps commenting here or there, for example, "that water faucet is loud" or that Lucas is talking loudly. You can really tell that it has made a difference. He can actually hear you wisper to him, which hasn't been the case before. Brian took him in this morning at 7 am. He couldn't ear or drink before the appointment. We tried not to tell him what it was all about (he doesn't need to know until afterwards since he didn't need the stress of thinking about it right?). They wheeled him away, awake and laying on a hospital bed. Brian told him that he was going to see a special doctor today. They put him to sleep with some gas. They then sucked out the fluid out of both ears and put the tubes in place. They also surgically removed his adenoids (look it up on wikipedia) from the back of his nasal cavity. He woke up just fine and has been fairly happy. He said to the nurse that he didn't even know that they put in the tubes yet. What a relief!


Wendy said...

Glad things went so smoothly....

Mary said...

I hope the tooth fairy brought enough to cover the deductible!

How cool that he can hear now. (Has he asked for ear plugs yet?)

Pam Williams said...

I hope that's the worst medical trauma he ever has to go through! We got such a kick out of him singing with the Primary in church yesterday. Great projection.