Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Photos and Stories from 2010

One afternoon one of the older boys was digging in the dirt and saw something wiggle. It turned out to be a snake and so he called for his dad. So Brian, Travis, and Lucas followed the snake as it went around the corner of our house. We tried to catch it in a bucket by using sticks to make it turn around. We eventually got it into the bucket after a good 10 minutes. We didn't harm the snake in the process. We then put things in the bucket to make the snake feel more at home. The snake was trying really hard to get out. Well after a while of watching him we went inside and when we returned we found him gone. We don't know if a cat got him or what. He didn't seem capable of slithering out the tall bucket. It was fun while it lasted.
Here's one of our favorite treats when we visit the Oregon Zoo in Portland, Elephant Ears. They are just really light fluffy pastries with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on them.
Here's the boys one day when we took them to the water slides. Lucas looks like he just barely got out of the water with his head all wet still.
One day we went to Thanksgiving Point and toured their dinasour exhibit. It was pretty fun but very crowded too. The boys did enjoy the digging for the bones part.
Here's a random bath photo of the older boys enjoying a bubble bath.
Here's a photo from when Brian took the boys to Trafalga in Lehi. Travis drove this boat around and it had a squirt gun on it too. Lucas only wanted a short ride on it. Then Travis went solo. A young man and his date then got on separate boats and Travis started squirting them. At one point he had the girl pinned up against the island in the middle with his gun squirting directly on her and her gun facing the other way. Brian then had to tell Travis to stop. It wasn't exactly a warm day either.
Our boys LOVE cinnamon rolls. We often buy the ones that come in the cardboard tubes and the boys get so excited, even Marcus goes nuts. Here they are watching the rolls rise in the oven.
Travis and Lucas like to go out and play in the snow together. This was a funny photo. It looks like Travis must have knocked Lucas over onto the ground but that wasn't the case. Lucas was trying to make a snow angel.
This was a priceless photo op as well. Brian went in to check on the boys after they had been asleep one night, as he usually does, and found this. Yes they were alseep.
And finally here's a video of Lucas trying to get Marcus to laugh and make funny noises. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Cute pictures you guys and great re-cap! Your boys are growing up fast!